Sunday, November 2, 2014

Natures True Medicine Vitamin d3

Everyone needs vitamin D so why not get yours in a bottle and ditch the after effects and harmful side effects of the sun.The Vitamin D Council recommends taking vitamin D3 rather than vitamin D2.

Vitamin D3 is the type of vitamin D your body produces in response to sun exposure, while vitamin D2 is not. In the United States, most over-the-counter vitamin D supplements are D3, but check to make sure. Vitamin D2 is sometimes prescribed by doctors because that is what pharmacies have available. If your doctor prescribes you D2, ask them if you can take vitamin D3 instead.Vitamin D3 supplements aren’t vegetarian and some part of the production in making them occur outside the United States. If you have ethical concerns with taking vitamin D3, then sun exposure is a good option and vitamin D2 can be an alternative.Other than that, it doesn’t matter what form of vitamin D you take, whether it’s in a capsule, tablet or liquid drop. For most people, vitamin D is easily absorbed in the body and you don’t need to worry about what time of day you take it or whether you take it with meals.Cod liver oil contains vitamin D. However, the Vitamin D Council recommends against taking cod liver oil because of the high amount of vitamin A there is in cod liver oil compared to vitamin D. Vitamin A is also a fat-soluble vitamin, so your body has a hard time getting rid of it and too much vitamin A can be harmful.The two main ways to get vitamin D are by exposing your bare skin to sunlight and by taking vitamin D supplements. You can’t get the right amount of vitamin D your body needs from food.The most natural way to get vitamin D is by exposing your bare skin to sunlight (ultraviolet B rays). This can happen very quickly, particularly in the summer. You don’t need to tan or burn your skin to get vitamin D. You only need to expose your skin for around half the time it takes for your skin to turn pink and begin to burn. How much vitamin D is produced from sunlight depends on the time of day, where you live in the world and the color of your skin. The more skin you expose the more vitamin D is produced.You can also get vitamin D by taking supplements. This is a good way to get vitamin D if you can’t get enough sunlight, or if you’re worried about exposing your skin. Vitamin D3 is the best kind of supplement to take. It comes in a number of different forms, such as tablets and capsules, but it doesn’t matter what form you take, or what time of the day you take it.Different organizations recommend different amounts of vitamin D supplement to take each day. The Vitamin D Council recommends taking larger amounts of vitamin D each day than other organizations, because smaller amounts aren’t enough to give you what your body needs. Most people can take vitamin D supplements with no problems. However, if you have certain health problems or take certain medicines, you may need to take extra care.No other nutrient, supplement, drug or hormone has gained more scientific credibility than Vitamin D. Vitamin D is linked to pretty much every age related disorder including cancer and chronic inflammation. Studies have repeatedly shown that higher levels of vitamin D are directly associated with few instances of cold, flu, and other types of infections.How and why is Vitamin D so effective?Well, for starters Vitamin D is actually a hormone! It triggers certain actions in the body including the most well known one, which is bone protection.Vitamin D3 is a vitamin that is critical to keeping both phosphorus and calcium in balance when being used properly. Many people do not get adequate vitamin D3 because they do not spend enough time in the sun.Did you know that most people are chronically low in Vitamin D levels, even people who supplement with it daily?Most "respected" sources suggest 1000 IU per day of Vitamin D is adequate. The truth is that may be half or less than what you really need. See, a "good" level of Vitamin D in the blood is 50 ng/mL or more. Almost 90% of people actually have less than 50. And 50-70% of people have less than 30 ng/mL! Since this vitamin is so important, you want to look into vitamin D3 supplements to ensure that you are getting enough.

 Anthony Norman, MD, in a recent article in Endocrine Today, stated “it is now widely appreciated by vitamin D scientists that 50% of people in North America and Western Europe are vitamin D insufficient. Given that two-thirds of the people are vitamin D-insufficient or deficient. It is clear that merely eating vitamin D-rich foods is not adequate to solve the problem for most adults.

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